
Stop Neglecting the Most Important Part of Being an Entrepreneur

with Ayurvedic Chef Cara Marsh

To learn more about Cara and how to work with her, visit itscaramarsh.com

As spiritual entrepreneurs, we often focus heavily on growing our businesses and spiritual practices, sometimes at the expense of our physical well-being. I’ll be the first to admit being guilty of that. But our physical bodies, just like our spiritual selves, need attention and nurturing to maintain balance and thrive in both life and business.

This past fall, I cohosted a class with Ayurvedic nutritionist Cara Marsh where we explored how aligning your eating habits and self-care routines with the Moon phases and Ayurvedic principles can help you better manage your energy, avoid burnout, and stay connected to both your body and your business.

This episode is a replay of that class.

What is Ayurveda and what does it have to do with entrepreneurship?

Ayurveda is an ancient healing system that offers us timeless wisdom for maintaining health and preventing disease. It literally translates to “the science of life.” There are many facets to this ancient science, but this class specifically focuses on understanding the natural rhythms of the body and the seasons to make better choices for our health. My favorite part is how accessible Cara makes this information—it’s modern, simple, and easy to digest (pun intended).

Each season has its own qualities, and these influence the balance of the three Ayurvedic doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth). Paying attention to these doshas can help us align our daily routines, including our diet and self-care practices, to support our energy and productivity. All things that are vitally important but we often neglect when we’re hyper focused on building a business.

The conversation highlights Vata season, which occurs during the fall/winter. Vata is associated with qualities like dryness, coldness, and mobility (think of the wind!). Vata manifests in our body as increased anxiety, difficulty focusing, or trouble sleeping. The element of Air represents the mind both in tarot and astrology, and is the primary element in Vata energy. As the days get colder. you can counter your overactive mind by grounding yourself with warming, nourishing foods like root vegetables and grains, and prioritizing routine to bring stability to your day to day activities.

My personal favorite foods for Vata season: sweet potatoes and rice.

Bringing in the Moon

I wasn’t sure how I was going to weave astrology into this conversation until I learned that Ayurveda also supports alignment with the lunar cycle. The moon moves through its cycle every 28.5 days, broken down into 4 major phases each bringing a unique energetic quality. By aligning our personal routines and business activities with the phases of the Moon, we can work with the flow of energy rather than against it.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how the Moon phases impact your energy and health:

New Moon: This is a time of low energy, perfect for rest, reflection, and setting intentions for the upcoming month. You may crave lighter foods as your body resets and prepares for the new cycle.

Waxing Moon: As the Moon’s energy grows, so does yours. This is a good time to add more nutrients into your diet, supporting your body’s increasing energy demands.

Full Moon: The Full Moon is the peak of energy. You may feel more creative or restless, making this a great time for emotional release and high-energy activities. Detoxing or emotional releases—like crying—are natural ways to align with this energy.

Waning Moon: As the energy starts to decrease, it’s time to slow down. Focus on nourishing and restoring your body, integrating lessons from the past cycle, and allowing space for rest and rejuvenation.

If you’re interested in aligning your business activities with these lunar cycles, check out An Entrepreneur’s Guide to the Lunar Sales Cycle.

Aligning Body, Mind, and Business

Entrepreneurship demands that we show up fully in all areas of life, which is why it’s so important to take care of our bodies. By integrating Ayurvedic principles and aligning with the Moon’s phases, you can create a wellness routine that supports your business goals and helps you avoid burnout.

In case you’ve forgotten: your physical vessel is vitally important to the health of your business. It is the vehicle through which we alchemize our ideas into material form. Taking care of your body is a sacred practice. Without it, we lose our ability to create.

To learn more about Cara and how to work with her, visit itscaramarsh.com

And if you’d like my personal testimony of my experience working with Cara, send me a DM. In short, she completely transformed my perception of food and my body. 10/10 recommend.